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Magic, Myth & Mirth

Jeff Quinn-Magician

If you thought the "Out of This World" magic show was amazing, wait until you get a load of "Magic, Myth & Mirth"!

Yes, the show will be fairy tale themed, but don't let that fool you. It's going to be a great show for young children, older kids, parents and even grandparents. If you've ever had me at your library before, you know that my show plays well for all age groups, and Magic, Myth & Mirth is no exception. This show has it all...wizards, dragons, royalty and much more.

I'm currently polishing a routine that I'm very excited about. Have you ever noticed how the number 3 shows up in a lot of fairy tales? THREE Blind Mice. THREE Billy Goats Gruff, THREE Little Pigs, Goldilocks and the THREE Bears. Well, this routine also uses the number THREE with amazing results!

Of course, I always have a routine or two that promotes reading. In 2020, it will be a trick involving a bookworm who performs some magic from a book he found at his favorite place in the whole wide world...the library.

There are also a few things that my show WON'T include. You won't see any tricks with dangerous items like swords, knives or guns. No fire. No "adult" jokes or innuendos, No put-down humor. My goal is to provide your library and your patrons with a squeaky-clean, fun-filled magic show that the entire family can enjoy!

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