This is exciting news! To date, I've performed my Summer Reading Program magic shows for libraries in Nebraska, Iowa, North & South Dakota, Kansas and Minnesota. Now I'm going to see if I can take my show to libraries in Northeastern Wisconsin!
Why Northeastern Wisconsin? Well, there are two reasons. First, my oldest daughter lives in that area and I'd LOVE to have an extra excuse to spend some time with her. Second, it's my understanding that the Summer Reading Program in the Badger State goes well into August. In most of the other states I've been to, the end of July is pretty much the stopping point for SRP activities.
So, if you know anyone in the Green Bay/Appleton/Fox Valley/Door County area, I'd certainly appreciate it if you'd spread the word about my show. I plan on taking a trip up there later this week to visit libraries and drop off my promotional material (Oh yeah, and to see my daughter, too!)